School Year 2024-2025


Famous Artists Study
Grade Level 3rd - 6th
Openings Closed
Day(s) and Time(s) Friday 9:00-9:55
Campus Location Life Christian Academy
Course Description This class will focus on learning about famous artists and a variety of styles of art.  We will look at the life and art of one famous artist per week. The artists will be a mix of classical and modern to include Claude Monet, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse and many more.  We will view their artwork and learn a little about the style of art they have created. Then we will complete an art project in the same style as the artist using watercolors, markers, collage, tempura paint and more. Previous art experience or skill is not required. All supplies are included.
Tuition $75.00 / $0.00 for supplies
Required Material
Other Information