School Year 2024-2025


Grade Level Kindergarten-5 years - 12th
Openings Open
Day(s) and Time(s) T & TH 4:30-6:00
Campus Location Life Christian Academy
Course Description

*See monthly and bi-annual payment options below*


The goal of this class is to learn karate, to learn self-defense, to attain physical fitness, and to glorify God in everything we do (including kicking people). The class will promote self-discipline, respect, and confidence. The class is open to students of all skill levels and will allow them to learn and progress at their own pace.

I am a third degree black belt who has been practicing in karate for approximately 22 years and have been teaching my own class for 6 years (Prior to that, I was a karate teacher’s assistant and/or substitute teacher for 5 years). I have had experience teaching a wide range of ages and students, so anyone and everyone is welcome.

• The semester rate only applies to individual students: $150
• To pay monthly instead of per semester, rates are: $40 (individual) or $55 (individual + 1 other family member) or $55 +$10 per each additional family member after first 2


This class is worth 1 high school credit.

Tuition $150.00 / $0.00 for supplies
Required Material
Other Information