School Year 2024-2025


Personal Finance
Grade Level 10th - 12th
Openings Open
Day(s) and Time(s) Thursday 8:30-10:30
Campus Location Life Christian Academy
Course Description

This class will delve into the foundational concepts of personal finance required for a successful transition into adulthood. It will begin by studying the overarching guidelines of stewardship and generosity set forth in the Scriptures, and then transition to using select portions of Dave Ramsey’s program material for high school and college students to present a basic approach to personal finances. Finally, students will be exposed to various practical aspects of financial management, including making a budget, income generation, expense management, age-appropriate investment principles, etc.


This class is worth 0.5 credits.

Tuition $100.00 / $0.00 for supplies
Required Material
Other Information